My work evolves as I grieve the loss and bid farewell to my guiding compass, taken by the tidal wave of the pandemic. It was a ripple effect, the virus affected him and his organs, from his lung to his heart, till he drifted away with the white froth of the sea.
My work is process based, a cathartic documentation of sorts, a source of release for the complex, overwhelming, pent-up emotion culminating into a physical body of work. Leading towards healing as memories fade away with the passage of time.
I move from medium-to-medium painting fragmented portraits, exploring the tide and torrent of feelings. With my videos I confront the flood of pain, head on, riding the waves, baring all emotions, as I become the canvas.
I re-write his last conversation again and again on a white fabric, reinforcing his last good
bye, to keep the memory alive, just so I don’t forget. I’m not ready to say goodbye!