Evolution of Art Promotion

Abbas Shah


Abbas Shah was born in Shimla 1942. After migration his family moved to Rawalpindi basically his ancestors are from Baltistan. He is one of the pioneers of ptv (Pakistan Television). He served PTV for 40 years as a set designer. He started his career as a cinema painter. He is painter, sculptor, puppeteer, poet and cartoonist.


Our society is disguised and is in segments. Dominating is male and on the other side that is female who balances every happening. The winged creature is relaxing symbol which is liked by all creatures. Man is a mask -female is all eyes and the wing is wish which can travel in space and time, Organic forms are an obsession which is also dominant in nature and I express myself in sculpture work.

His works will be exhibited at IXCEL Media Office from 1 November 2022 to 30 November 2022.

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